Should I Get a Functional Medicine Evaluation?

Perhaps you are wondering what functional medicine is, how it is different from seeing a "conventional" physician, and if an evaluation using the functional medicine approach is right for you and your concerns.

Simply put, functional medicine strives to discover the core problem causing your symptoms and correct it, if possible, to restore optimal health. In order to find the root of the issue, a detailed history is usually necessary to determine exactly what led up to the start of the disease process. I also use additional lab testing not normally offered at a conventional physician's office. These labs are well tested and provide high quality data to help us to gain the most information to determine a cause of the problem(s). I like to call the functional medicine approach "thinking outside the box" by using an "expanded toolbox." Functional medicine does not abandon conventional medicine; rather it takes all of the data from conventional medicine and combines it with additional history taking, physical exam findings, and laboratory information to see the "big picture" of the problem, as well as the molecular details. I believe it is the future of medicine available now.

For a more detailed explanation of functional medicine, click on this link: 

Conditions that respond well to a functional medicine approach include:
  • hormone imbalance
  • nutritional deficiencies
  • digestive concerns/inflammatory bowel conditions
  • mood disorders
  • food sensitivities
  • musculoskeletal dysfunction
  • chronic fatigue

I use innovative laboratory technology such as:
  • saliva testing for hormone levels and adrenal health
  • food sensitivity testing
  • brain chemical (neurotransmitter) analysis
  • omega 3 fatty acid analysis
  • telomere testing to assess the age of your cells
  • expanded thyroid testing
  • extensive lipid (cholesterol) testing to determine true cardiovascular risk
  • heavy metal analysis
  • DNA stool analysis for digestion issues and intestinal health
  • urinary iodine assessment
  • specialized analysis for tick borne disease such as Lyme
  • biochemical markers to discover and identify underlying inflammation
  • biofilm markers

I have seen amazing improvement with patients, as well as my own family, by using this approach. I hope you will consider a functional medicine evaluation for your medical concerns.

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